Cashback opportunity valid for digital product payments!
Make digital product payments with your Sipay wallet, earn instant cashback!
Campaign Conditions
- The campaign is valid for payments made with a Sipay wallet account in the Sipay App > Payments > Digital Products section.
- The campaign is valid only for digital products sold in Sipay App and payments made with a wallet. It is not valid for payments made with a Sipay card.
- Digital products that the campaign is valid for may change periodically. Current and campaign products are located in the Sipay App > Payments > Digital Products section.
- The cashback rates that can be earned from digital products in Sipay App are given in the table below.
- Cash backs to be paid for this campaign cannot be withdrawn as cash, but only be used for further purchases.
- Sipay reserves the right to change the campaign conditions and terminate the campaign.
Digital Products
Product | Rate | Product | Rate |
EyesPro | %30 | Exxen Spor | %8 |
Kroha | %30 | Exxen | %8 |
Norton | %27 | Getir | %8 |
Geforce Game+ | %14 | Boyner | %8 |
Lifebox | %14 | PubG Mobile UC/Tencent | %7 |
TOD TV | %14 | Legends of Runeterra/RIOT | %7 |
Hotiç | %14 | League of Legends/RIOT | %7 |
Zula/In Game | %13 | PubG New State NC/Tencent | %6 |
Office 365/Microsoft | %13 | Milli Piyango | %5 |
BinBin | %13 | iTunes | %6 |
D-Smart | %12 | Mucit Panda | %6 |
Kim GB İster | %11 | Xbox/Microsoft | %4 |
TV+ | %10 | Razer Gold | %5 |
Papa John’s | %10 | A101 | %5 |
Fizy | %10 | Migros | %3,5 |
Rise Online | %10 | CarrefourSA | %5 |
Defacto | %10 | Joy Para | %5 |
Ayakkabı Dünyası | %10 | LCW | %5 |
Hediye Kart | %10 | Morpa Kampüs | %5 |
Mental Up | %10 | Google Play | %4 |
TikTak | %10 | Hepsiburada | %4 |
Valorant/RIOT | %8 | Jolly | %4 |
S Sport+ | %8 | Netflix | %3 |
Digitürk | %8 | ToyzzShop | %2 |